random thoughts!

incalls 101 -where, when, how
I flit allover the place between philly, Baltimore, dc and nova...
please tell me time of day when you make an inquiry
...knowing what time of day (afternoon, evening or morning) is so important ! it tells me how to respond to you in just a couple words instead of a long list of well you can call me ray... it tells me when to book my stay... ie: "after 3pm Friday" indicates that I make reservations for a Friday/Saturday stay. whereas "Friday morning before noon" requires that I book a Thursday/Friday stay. I hope that makes sense.
ALSO! here is an informative discussion on the topic of being nonchalante...
From the hotel's perspective...
silly thought of the day....
the more you want the more you get the more you get me the more I give the more I get the more I want the more I want the more fun it is for everyone so just give in you know you want to you know you want missy you know you want more you know you want missy more and everyone knows missy wants more
wtf? lol
Doubles- got a craving for some real fun?
I've got a few yummy girlfriends that i love having fun with.
think you're man enough?
just ask me!
I love getting feedback! especially if you were pleased with my presentation & performance:)
if you have something negative to say, i would ask that you clue me in before you tell the world in the form of a public review
also, i'm a bit of a vane old bitty... i generally bust ass to make sure that i'm at least really hot when
you walk in the door. so if i've disappointed you or misrepresented myself & you expected me to look
different or better than my pics, please let me know so i can step up my game. it makes me happy:)
so with all that said, i'm not trying to control how you rate and judge me, i'd just like a heads up if
you were not pleased.
the fucking phone and why i hate it!
perhaps i'm slow, perhaps i'm paranoid, perhaps i'm hard of hearing.
perhaps you are too
i like to think before i respond, a lot of times i feel pressured to respond for the sake of responding and i usually regret it because i say something stupid or off base,
likely because i can't hear you or you can't hear me or some nosy nancy is always standing nearby and ready to ask what that was all about.
if you absolutely must chat on the phone, i may make & take the occasional call, but only on a need to basis
i'm not a manipulator, a bitch, a cunt , or a pussy whatever... i'm a fun loving, bitch, cunt,
who loves pussy whatever... hahahaha! so don't wreck it for everyone else by being a dick
oh yes, one more thing...
i'm only as good as you - so if you think i'm awesome, it's because you are:)
if you think i suck, it's probably because you were nervous and/or made me nervous or because you suck ;) lol
hope i haven't scared ya off yet;) hahahahaha
